Use for your "White" in the Red, White & Blue Holiday spread !!!
Genuine Coconut Fresh Organic Coconut Chunks are small chunks of ready-to-eat skinless coconut. A 100% natural snack for children and adults as part of a healthy lifestyle.
A healthy and delicious coconut snack. Ripe coconut flesh provides a number of vitamins, especially vitamin B. Coconuts, also rich in potassium and antioxidants, are gluten- and cholesterol-free and can boost your immune system thanks to the magnesium they contain. As they are high in fiber, they and help your digestive system as well. All in all, coconuts are a fruit bursting with benefits and healthy properties for your diet.
Fair trade certified organic coconut. Genuine Coconut Chunks are 100% natural, with no added sugar, vegan and organic certified, and are totally free of chemicals and/or preservatives.
At Genuine Coconut, we have established a long-term partnership of trust with our supplier in India that cultivates the coconuts used to make our Organic Coconut Chunks, and the Fair for Life (Fair Trade) certification ensures Social Responsibility and Fair Trade.